How does A WOMAN promote her business or talent? The short answer is: the same way a man does, right? As A WOMAN who early in her career found the act of self promotion daunting, due in part to cultural teachings that ask girls to be humble and boys to be bold, I felt it was time for a refresher course on the topic. While attending a lecture by a well-known marketing consultant I noticed that the men in the audience were more apt to call out answers and promote their companies while the women appeared a bit more reserved. The women in the audience were more reluctant to introduce themselves and their businesses during the presentation and I couldn’t help but think what a loss of free publicity this was for them.
Curiously, when the formal presentation had ended, more women than men stayed put to network one-on-one with fellow audience members, building solid contacts for future relationships. Does this mean women are better at building individual relationships but hopeless with large groups? No. During the presentation there were a handful of confident businesswomen who did share information about their companies including an established wealth advisor from New York and a dynamic YOUNG WOMAN from Miami with a background in marketing. What this means is the rest us may need to practice promoting ourselves more often. Some tips on how you can promote yourself include:
1-Always have a business card. Basic, yes. Yet it’s importance lies in being the only way your contact may remember you when you’re needed.
2-Talk to Strangers. Something I often practice. (You never know who you’ll meet).
3-Have an elevator pitch. The best way to avoid stumbling when asked the question, “what do you do?”
4-It’s not about you. Probably my favorite point. It’s a reminder that in this egocentric world where we are our own favorite topic, we should be mindful that when promoting ourselves we let the other person know how what we do can benefit them.
These steps are a great starting point for familiarizing yourself with everyday self promotion.